Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Postius I made Pieius

I made Pie. It was tasty. I cannot actually remember making apple pie and it not tasting bad... varying degrees of tastyness... thats one hellava recipe for ya!
I spent 4 hours straight conjugating verbs today an for some reason this was absolutely exhausting so unfortunatly you get a very tiny updatius on my pieius.
Gabri took Giu to dance and I was just getting ready to make pastry when she came home and asked if I could take Cleo out (if you've looked at the picspam of the house then you will see there is no yard so we have to take Cleo to the park allll the time). Thus followed my attempt to hold an actual conversation in Italian that went beyond 'how are you?' or 'are you ok?". I think it went quite well; I used the adjective dopo(later), the verb fare(to do/make) (which i conjugated) and the (I think its a) noun dolce(sweets) oooh and I think I got the personal pronoun Io (I) in there somewhere too... in a sentence that went something like "dopo io faccio dolce" I thought it was going quite well until Gabri sceptically corrected dolce to doccia and made water pouring on head/washing hair motions (doccia means shower). I ended up managing to get 'dolce con mele' (sweets with apple) in there and she worked out I did in fact (at least somewhat) know what I was talking about!

We then had a little arm waving session in which she declared that I wouldn't have time to make cake (as we decided upon calling it) if I was making the pastry too and that I should wait until tomorrow. I replied using   dolce con famiglia and she seemed to cotton on that I was at least going to try and do it. there was also a few mins of waving about the fact we only had a few apples left, I ignored this, relatively sure that more would appear with the fam.

to my surprise making the pastry only took 20 mins which was waaaay less that I expected because I had to combine it all by hand and not use a food processor like normal. I was rolling out the second piece when the fam arrived with Giulia at 7.20ish, I set to cutting apples and adding the secret ingredients (which are not so secret if you read my last post). It was apparently impressive that I made the pastry myself (as far as I could tell we were calling it pasta?). and at one point I believe Gabri was scolding Giu for not baking sweets (oooops my bad).

now comes the interesting bit;
i dont generally use gas ovens, so when a bit of pastry crust falls off the pie it normally just sits on the bottom of the oven and goes a lovely brown colour. it appears in a gas oven this is not the case... one side goes black and it starts billowing smoke.... fortunatly Gabri noticed this early on (as in like 5 mins after i put it in) so i started fishing bits of pastry of the bottom of the oven...the even more interesting bit is that it set of the smoke alarm... i'm highly amused that they have these considering they smoke inside but it went off. and the smoke alarm is connected to the house alarm which likes to talk alllll the time (when doors etc. get opened it tells you which ones) and it proceeded to (i assume) announce that the smoke alarm was going off (which we obvs knew about because we were in the same room as it). Giu got annoyed at it talking and went outside and Gabri got annoyed at her for I don't know why and then every time i tried to apologise for setting the alarm of they kept telling me it was fine... it was one of those moments that was highly amusing but you couldn't laugh at it...

anyway pie tasted uber nommy which was a surprise because I've never not used green apples before (i halved the sugar to compensate). but we only ate like 1/4 of it (there were 5 of us) because we had all eaten waaaay to much yummy dindins... (Gabri is saying that tomorrow she is going to spend 8 hours on the treadmill to make up for eating so much).
urgh! i'm starting to use too many words like uber, nommy, yummy and dindins =S i think its time for me to go nighnighs (urgh another one!)

Piiiiee Piiiics (this alliteration is somehow highly amusing to my tired brain):

with and with out flash (i'm not really happy with either pic but anyway)... also if you've had my pie before you can see i went with 3 leaves as opposed to the customary 4... that was really because i didn't have any other flat pastry left and i didn't feel like rolling the left overs out so i just went with three

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