Sunday, February 20, 2011

Postius I've got lots of (bad) Excuseiuses

Things I've been doing instead of posting:
- Reading, allot. Giu is studying after school most days. Her study consists of reciting the contents of her textbooks, after spending a whole day trying to decipher Italian my brain generally hurts so I avoid both the noise of her talking and the possibility of disturbing her by heading to my room and mainly reading

- Facebooking. So before you jump into telling me how this isn’t going to help my Italian you must bear in mind that most of the people who are using facebook at the same time as me are also in the same time zone and thus most of them are writing in Italian... I've actually found that I’m starting to recognise a lot more words when I’m trying to work out what they've written. I’m still using google translator (which by the way is amazing) but I’m not using it for everything

- Walking Cleo. Giu seems to have an amazing inability to be on time EVER (and not just the general lack of time me and my friends have where we are sometimes late... I can remember ONE time we've left on time which is saying something since we walk to school every day) and as such I get up, get changed, and eat breakfast before she has generally even appeared and thus for the purpose of giving Giu time to eat breakfast (which still never happens) I walk Cleo in the mornings. When we arrive back from school I then generally walk Cleo again so that Giu can study or prepare lunch (except on the occasions that she feels like having a smoke in which I prepare lunch). And then before dinner when Giu is studying I walk Cleo again, generally just for the purpose of she likes trying to make me fall over in the mud (the weather is currently in a perpetual state of drizzle and thus the ground is slimy)

- Talked to people on Skype... on the weekends (when I eventually get out of bed) I sit down to my laptop and think 'right time to write an updatius' and then someone interesting will come on Skype and call me. Which is fine. I like talking to them... but I've only had one Skype call that lasted less than an hour and a half and that was just because it was a ridiculous time for the other person.

- Yoga. For some reason (that is currently unknown to me) I decided to make one of my new years resolutions to do yoga two or three times a week. I initially planned to do this when I got up in the mornings but two things have discouraged me from this; 1) its rather cold in the mornings when I get out from under my down dooner (the heater for some reason turns of during the night) and 2) the one time I decided to give it a try I nearly fell on my head. Twice. Which is impressive considering in only did 5 mins in the end. Turns out that despite the fact I’m a morning person inverting ones self and pointing ones to head towards to ground after emerging from bed 2 mins earlier requires a level of coordination that is not possesable at that time =S

- and more recently watching A Very Potter Musical. This is a fan made musical parody of Harry Potter and can be found on youtube here . I blame the Ritters for the fact that I am watching this; they have all watched it and recite segments at random which continually reminds me that I've not got around to watching it and that I really should do so.

Now as an intensive to try and post more I’m going to try and write shorter posts but more of them. There for I cannot use 'oooh I don’t have time to write one' as an excuse because if I write them frequently then there can't be much to update you on. This is completely against my initial pre-departure plan of posting once every few weeks but while I’m not doing a lot of terribly interesting things I seems to be able to talk about them for an extended period of time. This is a good example; I’m giving stupid reasons for not posting more frequently and its already gone over a page =S

right so short posts. That means that I’m going to stop this one now and then after dinner I might write another short one with what I did several weeks ago and hopefully I'll eventually catch up to now.

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