Friday, March 4, 2011

Updatius I’m sure by now you hate Meius

Yes I realise that is has been a stupidly long time since I last posted (it appears looking at my blog that this stupidly long time is in fact 11 days and so not as bad as I initially though). I’m not going to give excuses because I don’t have any, I just haven’t written anything. I have however been sick which is quite an amusing thing to explain to your host family, but more on that later...

Ok so while short postings is a good idea in theory, it only works if I, you know, post. So I am going to write a list of things that I haven’t written about yet so that a) I can remember what I've not told you, b) you can bother me for information specific things and, c) I feel like I've actually written a proper update that imparts information about what I’ve been doing.

Right so that list (in vaguely NOT the chronological order but I’ve tried ):
- Sport with 4D
- The amazingness (or the lack there of) of my out of school Italian lessons
- My encounter with the Metro (or lack there of) one day after Italian
- Disco time! (I went to a disco, it was amusing)
- Things that are and are not universal
- Permit to stay round 2 (aka the day I wasted waiting in lines)
- Italian with 3A and 2C
- Kabaps with my class mates
- Things I’ve found amusing
- Adventures whilst walking Cleo
- Zia Simona's birthday
- Pasta Finichè Basta
- Weather (this includes our 'hot' week and the few bits of unseasonal snow)
- Answers On Demand, AOD, where I answer all the questions that people ask me (and by people I mean my mum. I’ve been fobbing off answering her for weeks on the pretense that I’ll do it here.) if you've got any questions hit me up with them in the comments section or on my email and I’ll (in theory) answer them (at some point).
- Being sick in another country
- School Carnivale Disco (this hasn't actually happened for me yet but will probs have happened/be happening at the time you read this)
- Thing that are easy/difficult to explain
- Interesting things that I've eaten
- Reactions of 3°G to Penrhos Life
- Introduction to Giu's friends

riiight... so that's 20 24 23 22 21 points... three for each week (didn’t necessarily happen that specific week) and the one about each of my weekend activities (these are in order). I’m going to go ahead an say that some of those points are going to get squished together but it gives you a general idea of things I’ve been doing. Lets set a goal for writing these up... shall we say one every second week day and three over the weekend? Mmm no wait... I’m generally sleeping until lunch time on Sunday's (the reason for this will become apparent) so maybe two over the weekend and three over the course of the week? That seems doable... I’m going to try and do it sort of in the order I’ve written above but requests for topics to be written about are cool too (Carnivale, Disco and PFB will probs be up soon because they are more interesting...)

and with that I’ve just gone over one page (I’m typing these up in word for spell checking and formatting first) and thus I am edging out of 'short post landia'. So I shall leave you to contemplate which topic you would like me to tackle first as I go to wrangle my hair into something acceptable for tonight.

EDIT: I remembered four more things to tell you about..

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