Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Postius two biscuits in one nightius

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A week or so ago now I decided if there was more choice of biscuit it would take longer for all the ones wanted to eat to disappear so I set out to make two differnt types in one afternoon. The day previously in a small window of time I had at home to myself I blended up some fresh almond butter in the Bimby. Probably I stopped before it was quite runny enough for one of the recipes but I added some extra coconut oil to make it up.

Sara was visiting Corrado at Venice for the weekend so we had cousin Bianca and her mum, Jose, staying with us. The time with them made me very thankful for how quickly and how well Sara worked me out. Neither would really take the time to modify their Italian so I could follow (and I honestly had no interest in it either) and if ever I was content eating in silence Bianca would decide I was apparently just waiting for someone to talk to me in english. The trouble is when I'm putting effort into listening to italian the change back to English isn't the easiest. And 'Breanna speak in english' isn't really the best conversation starter.

Over lunch one day I managed to pick out some words that indicated someone was going out in the afternoon but since no one had told me about it I assumed it didn't effect me, I though Bianca had basketball practice. A few hours later when Jose walks up to me and Tan and asks if we're ready to leave or need to do anything before we go she seemed rather affronted when I said I didn't want to go. Later when they were all heading out the door she asked me again if I was sure I didn't want to come and maybe I'd changed my mind. I was a bit frustrated by that point, I still had no idea where they were going and I had explained I needed some time on my own, Bianca is 16 and seems to take great joy in making ridiculous amounts of noise when playing stupid games with Tancredi. I cannot stand people who think that being an introvert is a bad thing, no, I do not /want/ to be an extrovert, I want some time to my self. 

I compensated by going to the gym and then making the almond butter. The next afternoon Tancredi and I set about making the biscuits together. Both were almond based, one sort of like jammy dodgers and the other just a nondescript biscuit. The jam ones are super delicious and a great texture also. The other ones though ate quite plain and I would probably blend the almonds longer next time to have a finer meal and i would press them a litter thinner although. They do however make a great excuse for eating Nutella at breakfast.

During this baking session I managed to finish off the 250ml bottle of maple syrup I'd opened the week before, but don't tell anyone!

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