Friday, December 13, 2013

Updateius Tancredi is my assistant cookius

With the cookies basically gone not even 24 hours after I made them I thought I'd top up the forlorn looking box with something else. I'd been hoarding most of the ingredients and was only missing a few substitute ingredients and rice bubbles, that I didn't by from the big supermarket and then couldn't find at the small one. Fortunately however, just as I was heading out the the gym (and afterwards to the mini shop to get a few substitutes) Sara was off to a different big shop to get some things in preparation for Tancredi's party tonight. His birthday is December 30 which obviously proves difficult party-wise because people go away for the holidays. So while Sara was off stocking up on party food I had her pick up some rice bubbles for me.

I gave Sara and her friend Angelina a hand preping food and then during an hour long pre party activity lul (a thing I have never experienced) i set to making rice crispies. Once Tancredi saw a picture of what I was making he was more than happy to give the mix a stir while I measured things out. He then refused to relinquish the wooden spoon to me again so we continued on together. He did eventually relinquish the spoon to me, I assume only because he viewed adding the rice bubbles as more fun!

When we were almost done and everything was looking delicious he called Sele over to check it out, much to my surprise she didn't say comment on its strangeness (as she has done with all things gluten/egg/dairy free). We fed her some of the unset mix and she thought it was delicious (i sharnt tell her it has evil rice milk in it).

With two people cooking things went faster than I expected and I forgot to take photos. However I imagine most of this batch will be gobbled up by Tancredi's friends meaning there'll be another batch soon that i can take action shots of.
With Tancredi's party in full swing (i do not recall ever having this much energy when I was 13!) and the slice in the freezer Sara is wondering if we'll survive and counting down the hours until everyone leaves...

Now it tuns out we forgot to mix the chocolate chips in so I sprinkles them on top and then pressed them in. This recipe is supposed to use peanut butter but a) I'm not a huge fan and b) it's rather difficult to find in Italy, so instead we used Nutella, meaning that the whole thing ended up sweeter, stickier and less structurally sounds than anticipated but it's still rather delicious. More work is required though before is the scrumptious slice from the original recipe.

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